I am an artist, and I believe that art in all of its expressions is what lives, unspeakable, in the space between the words. Some things simply cannot be expressed or shared through verbal communication alone – art is one of the most sincere forms of communication that we have.
I grew up enjoying the works of the great masters in the beautiful color plates of dense art books that were available at my grandmother’s house. Later on, I got very involved in punk rock and independent culture in general; I loved the album work of great artists like Raymond Pettibon and the flyer and poster art of R. K. Sloane. I was also fond of many contemporary artists of the time, such as H. R. Geiger and Bill Sienkiewicz – all of this work had a tremendous influence on me. Further along, I learned about other methods and modalities through my own design work and as a production artist. Creativity with heart has always been my impetus, and I’ve done a little bit of everything that this could imply – drawing, painting, print making, photography, film making, music, theater, and writing.
Rather than being a purveyor of pure and simple beauty, as valuable as that is, I really like to convey concepts in my art. At public showings of my work there have been very kind people who have termed what I do ‘Think Art’, a description that I think is fitting. In my humble estimation, the best art of any kind transcends its medium or setting, no matter how appropriate either of these may be. It enhances the experience of our lives in whatever sense that it might apply to, be it our mentality, or our outlook, and it makes our lives better for having encountered it. It stays with us and it changes our experience in some way: it might give us a little bit of hope here, or a direct challenge to our thinking there. It nudges us out of our usual comfort zones and reveals to us more of who we are rather than less.
In one way or another, my art has led me to every meaningful adventure that I’ve had in my life. My work has taken me from New Mexico to New York, to California and the places in-between, and I have work in private collections or have had my images and words published in Zimbabwe, Norway, and the U.K. I am currently working out of New Mexico where my family has resided for over a hundred years.
I continue to do my best to grow, as art and creativity themselves grow beyond their current containers, and I am grateful to all who enjoy what I create.