California: Exsanguinate
“. . . there’s no time for fact checking or any sort of basic research in today’s BuzzFeed world of made up garbage.’ – Daniel Eran Dilger
“. . . there’s no time for fact checking or any sort of basic research in today’s BuzzFeed world of made up garbage.’ – Daniel Eran Dilger
Tethered is a word that describes the linking of one device – such as a smartphone or a computer – to another so that they may share an access point to a network, be it a wireless . . .
This was the end of the day, leaving Greenwich Village, after we’d spent a banner afternoon deep in the heart of the city. Even at the time I felt that it was a bookend moment . . .
Okay, so this one is all about compositing. It isn’t a natural shot, but a mashup of two. We spent a wonderful afternoon on Governor’s Island taking in the sights, lounging . . .